Fastmail vs Yahoo Mail

Upgrade your inbox and get your data out of the hands of big tech.

Say goodbye to obtrusive ads, and hello to enhanced privacy protections, great search, and a wealth of useful features to help you stay on top of your mail: pin important messages to the top of your inbox, snooze tickets and bills to just when you need them, mute those never-ending email chains, and so much more. All backed by the experts in email, with real people to provide support if you need it.

Email worth paying for

Free email isn’t really free: you’re paying with your privacy. As a paid service, we only serve you, our customer. This means we have no split loyalties, no mining of your personal data, and no ads, ever.

Moving made easy

We’ve made moving your email so much easier than you think. In a few clicks you can pull in all your email, contacts, and calendar events from Yahoo into your new Fastmail account. We can keep fetching any new mail that arrives in your old Yahoo inbox afterwards, so you’ll never miss a message while you update everyone with your new address. You can even send replies from your Yahoo address if you need to.

  1. Sign up for your new Fastmail account.
  2. Go to Settings → Migration, and choose Yahoo Mail.
  3. Sign in to your old Yahoo account.
  4. Choose what you want to import and click Do it.

That’s it! Sit back, relax, grab your beverage of choice. We’ll pull in all your data using our super-fast server-to-server connection direct to the Yahoo data centers. You can keep using your new email while we do this, or go do something else while we get on with it. Depending on the size of your mail history, it can take a few hours to complete. We’ll send you an email when it’s done.