The Fastmail mobile app

The official Fastmail mobile app is the best way to use Fastmail on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

Download on the App Store Get Fastmail on Google Play

The mobile app can be used on iOS 12+ and Android 8+ devices. Users who don't meet these requirements can still use the web interface, fully compatible with mobile browsers, at Your device must be online to access your information.

Keep an eye on our app store pages to learn about updates as we release them.


The Fastmail mobile app offers many of the same features as the web version of Fastmail, plus some added features and customizations that enhance the mobile app experience.


The Fastmail app provides many security features. You can use your phone's saved biometrics to unlock the screen. You can also secure your account with an authentication app using two-step verification. Along with that, all push notifications are encrypted from our server to your device.

For total security, log out of your account and back in again with 1Password. We have an integration with 1Password on iOS and Android.

Navigation and convenience

There are features in the app that make navigation easy and convenient. Logging into the Fastmail app does not require the use of an app password, allowing you to log in using your regular password. For navigation, there is a convenient bottom bar that allows for single-tap navigation between mail, calendar, contacts and files, and swaps to an action bar for mail or calendar views as needed. You can swipe from the left side of the screen to go back to the previous screen. Formatting can be added to your emails on-the-go using our mobile formatting toolbar. Local files can be attached to your emails as well.

Multiple emails can be selected by tapping and dragging over them. You can also select all messages by first selecting one, then the header will provide an option to select all. If you use a tablet device, using the app on it can provide a more fuller screen view of your emails.


The app allows for customization of your notifications. You can enable notifications for when new mail arrives, when specific folders/labels receive mail, and for your VIP contacts. Go to the Notification settings section of this help page to see how to set this up. Setting up alerts for your calendar events will also send you notifications as well. (Please note: You must be online to receive alerts.)

For notification controls, you can choose from 8 custom sounds on iOS, or use the full power of the Android notification system.


On the iOS app:

  • Tapping the top status bar will scroll you back to the top.
  • To force a check for new mail, pull down on the message list view.
  • You can share your mail content with other apps: tap a message, use the three vertical dots to bring up the menu and use Share Message Content... to select what to send, and where.

On the Android app:

  • You can send text content from other apps to create a new mail item.
  • You can also share text from other apps.
  • Using force-quit to stop the app means it's not active to send you new mail notifications. If you force-quit and still require notifications, don't forget to restart the app.

Notification settings

In the Fastmail app, you can enable notifications for specific folders (or labels).

  1. Open the app on your device and tap Settings.
  2. Tap Notifications.
  3. To enable notifications, tap the toggle for Show notifications.
    • If you're using an Android device, you'll need to first tap New messages before you can toggle Show notifications.
  4. By default, notifications for Inbox is enabled. If you want to also enable notifications for other folders (or labels), tap If delivered to.
  5. Select the folders (or labels) you would like to receive notifications for.


Except where noted, these are present on all platforms.

Alerts on shared calendar events don't show event preview text

This is a server issue and we are working on a fix.

Calendar alerts don't work offline

If your device is offline when the alert is due to arrive at your device, you will receive no alert.

If you require alerts when your device is offline, we recommend syncing your calendar with your device over CalDAV.

Android notifications don't work without Google Play Services

FCM (formerly known as GCM) or a compatible Google Play service is required for notifications to work on Android.

Notifications are encrypted as they pass through the Google servers.

"Upgrade your app" screen

In November 2022, we ended support for Versions 2 and 3 of the Fastmail app. Customers using these older versions of the app will need to upgrade to Version 4. Please see our Migration to help page for more information.

Fastmail blocked by Content & Privacy Restrictions on iOS 16.4

Users on iOS 16.4 with Screen Time content restrictions enabled have reported a white screen when accessing Fastmail via the mobile app or browser on their mobile devices. This issue is due to a bug Apple introduced in the iOS 16.4 update.

Apple has fixed this issue in the iOS 16.5 release, so updating your device will allow you to access Fastmail again. If you are unable to update, a workaround is to disable Screen Time or Content & Privacy Restrictions.

DuckDuckGo regards our use of Sentry as a tracking service

Sentry, a partner service which helps our developers track errors in Fastmail, is regarded as a tracking service by DuckDuckGo's App Tracking Protection for Android. DuckDuckGo flags this service as "Functional Software," which is the name of the company that runs Sentry.

Sentry is only used for tracking errors and performance by our developers. There is no personal user data traced here, and the error and performance tracking is internal to Fastmail. We are not storing your information on any external system and we will never sell your data.

If the Fastmail app is getting excessively flagged by DDG, this likely means that something is repeatedly causing the app to crash. If you experience this, please contact our support team so we can look further into what's causing the issue.

App opens to blank screen on iOS 17

Some users on iOS 17 have reported a blank screen when accessing Fastmail via the mobile app. We're currently working to address this issue. In the meantime, any of the below troubleshooting steps may temporarily resolve the issue for you:

  • Log out and back in.
  • Delete the app and reinstall it.
  • Restart your device.


As of March 2024, China is requiring all mobile app developers to register as businesses with their government. Fastmail customers will no longer be able to download or update our mobile app.

Customers in China can still access the web interface on mobile devices at

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