Account administrators

What is an account administrator?

Each account has at least one user who is an administrator.

An account administrator (or admin) is the only one who can add, change, or remove users from an account.

Administrators are able to:

How to add an administrator

If you add a user to your account, you will automatically become an admin for your account.

An account can have more than one admin. To add an admin for your account:

  1. Go to Settings → Users & Sharing
  2. Click the Edit button next to their username. If the user does not already exist, click New User to add the user to your account.
  3. Scroll to the end of the page and check off the option that says Admin: Allow this user to manage this account, change billing details, and add/remove other users.
  4. A Verify it's you box will appear. Enter your password and click Continue. (For more information, see our Password-protected actions help page.)
  5. Click the blue Save button (or Purchase if you are adding a new user) to save changes.
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