Search that really finds stuff

Great search turns your email archive from a pile of words into a gold mine of information, so you can make email your electronic memory.

Where’s that contract I sent to Jane last week? Didn’t Rob answer this question already a few years ago? How much did we pay for that complete set of Monty Python DVDs?

With Fastmail, you can find the answer.

  • Search by word or phrase, sender, and so much more.
  • Our search can even surface matches inside attachments.
  • Intuitive autocomplete quickly helps you get started, or use our search builder for comprehensive options.
  • One sender or folder overwhelming your results? Easily exclude them to drill down to the message you need.

You can even save your favourite searches in your sidebar for immediate access.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I search like on Gmail?

    Yes. We support all the same syntax, and more besides.

  • What can I search on?

    See our full search syntax help here.

  • Can I run actions on messages that match a search?

    Yes. You can easily select all messages in a search to move, archive, or delete them together, or create a rule to automatically process any new messages that arrive matching the search.