Keep your real address private with Masked Email

Stop advertisers using your email as a unique identifier to track your activity across the web.

Everyone wants your email address these days. As the New York Times uncovered, the dirty secret is many companies don’t just use this to send you news and coupons. It’s also a unique identifier used to link your activity across the web, so advertisers can build a profile on you.

Masked Email stops all that in its tracks. Get a unique email address for each login and your real address will stay private. Companies have no way of linking different Masked Email addresses together to track you. If you start getting spam you can turn off that address in a trice. And, you’ll know who leaked it.

Every Fastmail user can quickly create a new Masked Email address in our app. If you use 1Password or Bitwarden to manage your logins, you can connect them to your Fastmail account for even smoother integration when you sign up to new sites.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I use my own domain for Masked Email?

    Sure. Of course, it’s a bit less anonymous than using our domain that’s shared by many users, but ensures your addresses remain portable. It’s a trade off, we get it. That’s why we let you choose.

  • What’s the difference between Masked Email and an alias?

    Masked Email addresses are random aliases generated by us, and offer easy integration with password managers. Emails sent to Masked Email addresses are marked with a masked icon in our email client, and when you open it you can see the label you assigned to the address — if an email you gave to pretends to be from your bank, you’ll know! They’re designed for logins, and you would generally get a new one for every site you create an account.

  • Do Fastmail employees have access to my data?

    Due to the nature of their jobs, some employees have the capability to access customer data. We operate on a principle of least privilege, so employees only have access to data they need. Accessing any personal data, including emails, contacts, and event information, requires an employee to request specific access, including a justification (normally a link to the support ticket where the user gave permission to access their data to help resolve their issue). All such access is logged and audited. Employees are bound by strict requirements to uphold customer privacy. Violations of this can result in sanctions all the way up to termination and prosecution. Thankfully, we employ great people who also believe in privacy, and so far in our 25-year history we have never had to take action for this.

    Our aliases feature allows you to choose your own email address, and easily associate a different sending name or signature. They’re designed for permanent use for your different identities online.