Users needed to help test new spam system

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

We need some users to help us accurately trial a new spam checking filter.

The trial will last around 1-2 weeks. To keep things a bit easier, we require only people that meet the following criteria.

  1. Your spam setting on the Options -> Spam/Virus Protection
    screen are set to Normal or Aggressive (*not* Basic or
    Custom), or you’re willing to change to either of those settings
  2. You use the web interface regularly (every day preferably)
  3. Your happy to spend a few minutes each day using the Report spam
    and Report non-spam actions to report all incorrectly spam
    checked messages

If you’re interested in helping and meet the above criteria, can you please email your full username (including the @domain part) to and we’ll send you some more instructions.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO