Updates to the Pobox Spam Beta

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This article was originally published as part of the Pobox blog. Pobox was acquired by Fastmail in 2015.

Further improvements have just been added to the Spam Beta!

Most noticeably, we’ve changed the way you can release and delete messages, to make it faster and easier to review your spam. Now, to review a full page of spam, just check off the messages you wish to release to yourself, then click “Mark this Page Reviewed”. The checked messages (highlighted in green) will be sent to you immediately, and all the other messages (highlighted in red) will be deleted automatically.

If you just want to release one message, don’t worry! You can also click “Release” to the left of the message you want. This will release *only* that message, if you don’t have time to review the whole page. (You can turn on and off the Release link from the Edit Columns menu)

We’ve also added RSS feeds to the Spam Beta. This is a great option if you want to see your discards more frequently than once a day. Just add your feed to any feed reader!

Many of you have asked for a way to more easily delete old spam, especially as we move over to this system. You can now delete *all* the messages in your daily reports with one click. Just go to


Click “open” for the report you wish to view, then click the “Delete All” button at the top of the page. All the messages in that emailed report will be deleted from the Spam Beta immediately.

Several Mailstore customers have reported difficulties with the Add Trusted Domain option in Trusted Senders. This has been fixed, and any Trusted Domains created while the bug was in place are being fixed by the Pobox staff.

Many of you reported quirks in paging and display in the Trusted Sender section. Many of display problems have been fixed in this section.

Thanks to all of you who took the time to report problems and provide feedback! If you see any further issues, please let us know!

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