- Why we use our own hardware and what the tradeoffs and costs look like
Founder & CTO
Dec 21: Fastmail in a box
How we build a complete Fastmail development environment.Senior Developer
Dec 19: Building offline: mail storage
How we made your mail work fast offline.Chief Product Officer
Dec 18: Building offline: syncing changes back to the server
How offline changes are tracked and replayed.Chief Product Officer
Dec 17: Building offline: general architecture
A technical deep dive into how we added offline support to Fastmail.Chief Product Officer
Dec 14: On-call systems
How Fastmail makes on-call workPlatform Engineer
Dec 13: It’s knot DNS. There’s no way it’s DNS. It is DNS!
How we upgraded our DNS servers to Knot DNSFounder & CTO
Dec 12: Following the Sun
Keeping Fastmail going around the clock -
Dec 9: Building a blog
A quick look at the tools we used to build our new blog & marketing site.Frontend Developer
Dec 6: Twoskip and more
The twoskip database is stable and fast, but we can do even betterCEO
Dec 5: MySQL InnoDB innodb_trx is cached
The value of information_schema.innodb_trx is not reliable, it is cachedFounder & CTO
How and why we built Masked Email with JMAP—an open API standard
In this article, Madeline Hanley from the 1Password team explains how JMAP, the new open standard for email introduced by Fastmail, powers Masked Email.