Spreading Love with Email

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This article was originally published as part of the Pobox blog. Pobox was acquired by Fastmail in 2015.

Valentine’s Day could be the official holiday of Pobox – we’ve been loving email so long, we’re due to send it a silver teapot. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about flowers, chocolates, and stuffed teddy bears, though. Why not use technology to give the Valentine’s gift that can touch even the most jaded cynic, the love letter? I’ll even give you a few ideas to get you started.

1. Start today, and send your sweetie “10 things I love about you” by the 14th.

2. Do you save your old email? Go back through your archives, and forward some favorite messages from your early courtship.

3. Email the lyrics to “your” song.

4. Send a picture. In the age of digital cameras and smartphones, a picture can say a thousand words, so be effusive about your love. Or, for another take on idea 2, scan in photos from your first months together, if your love goes back to the pre-digital era.

5. Ask his or her friends, via email, about your valentine’s best trait. Then compile and send to your loved one.

Let’s see how easy it is to write a short and sweet note, by examining one I’ve written on behalf of us all to something we hold dear around here.

Dear Email,

You’re still our #1 main squeeze after all these years! You’re there for us all day, every day, handling all the details of our lives without complaint. But you can also still send a thrill through our hearts with those 3 little words – you’ve got mail.


It’s not just cupids and hearts, though. Email can help you handle the practical side of love, too. Pobox Plus and Mailstore users can use Delivery Groups to set up an address that forwards to both members of a couple. Lots of customers have used them to set up addresses when planning their wedding. They end up keeping them because it’s awfully handy to give out one address that can reach you both, without having another mailbox to check.

How do you use email to spread love – sweet or practical? Share it in the comments (or just let me know if you use any of my ideas for your own e-valentine!)

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