Speeding up WebDAV on Windows 7

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Windows 7 has a built in WebDAV client that allows you to access your FastMail file storage area as just another drive on your computer.

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Click on “Computer” in the sidebar list at the left
  • Click “Map network drive” on the button list at the top of the
  • Select a Drive letter to map to (Z: is the default)
  • Enter https://dav.messagingengine.com/ as the Folder to connect to
  • You’ll be prompted for your username (use your full username
    including the @domain part) and password, and whether you want to
    automatically remember those login credentials in the future

Unfortunately by default, you’ll probably find that accessing files and directories is very slow, with a multi-second pause between any action. You can speed this up by doing the following:

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Go to Tools –> Internet Options –> Connections (tab) –> LAN
    Settings (Button) and then uncheck the “Automatically detect
    settings” checkbox.
  • Click Ok (button) and Ok (button) again to close the dialogs, then
    quit Internet Explorer

You should find WebDAV access performance is considerably improved

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO