Special upgrade price, 3 years for the price of 2 on Ad Free, Full and Enhanced accounts

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

For the month of November 2009 only, we’re running a special price for personal accounts. All Ad Free, Full and Enhanced accounts are 3 years for the price of 2.

  • Ad free - 1 year = $4.95, 3 years = $9.90
  • Full - 1 year = $19.95, 3 years = $39.90
  • Enhanced - 1 year = $39.95, 3 years = $79.90

Existing users can upgrade or renew any existing account with this special price just by going to Options -> Upgrade screen and following the steps to upgrade/renew. Any existing subscription will be pro-rated toward the new subscription.

New users can also take advantage of this special by signing up a free Guest account, and then using the above steps to upgrade it.

Update: Corrected price on Ad free

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO