Special pricing for Enhanced signups/upgrades/extensions until end of December

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Until the end of December 2010, we’re running a special on all Enhanced signups, upgrades and extensions.

We’re taking $10 off the regular price of each year. So instead of $39.95 for the first year and $29.95 for each subsequent year (if you select a multi-year subscription), it’s now $29.95 for the first year and $19.95 for each subsequent year.




1 year


$29.95 ($10 off)

2 years


$49.90 ($20 off)

3 years


$69.85 ($30 off)

4 years


$89.80 ($40 off)

5 years


$109.75 ($50 off)

Note: new signups can initially only pay for one year. However if you signup for a new account, you can immediately go to Options -> Upgrade to take advantage of the multi-year upgrade option.

This special is strictly until the end of December 2010 only.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO