Some minor fixes…

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

A bunch of minor fixes have gone in today. Some of these are only currently available on the beta server but will be rolled out shortly.

  • Emails with badly formatted dates sometimes cause sorting problems
    on the mailbox screen. We now deal with most cases better than
    before. Unfortunately this fix is only for new incoming emails,
    existing emails with a bad date will still sort oddly
  • https URLs for user web sites are recognised correctly in the
    address book
  • If a session expires, and you click logout, and then try and login,
    you won’t immediately be logged out again
  • On the signatures screen, if you had some empty lines at the start
    of your signature, then each time you saved the signature, it would
    loose one blank line. This has been fixed.
Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO