Sneak a peek at your spam.

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This article was originally published as part of the Pobox blog. Pobox was acquired by Fastmail in 2015.

We’ve added a new feature to the Spam section, long requested by those of you who review your spam regularly. A brief text preview of the message is now available by clicking the subject of held messages!

The preview page lets you release or delete the message you’re viewing, and includes all the information you can view in the table listing, plus a few extras:

  • Envelope sender and recipient
  • To:, From: and Subject: headers
  • The Message ID
  • When the message was caught
  • What check caught it
  • Whether it’s been released yet

The preview is content only, not styling, and does not allow you to view or download attachments. These options are limited to ensure that you cannot accidentally trigger a virus or other malware from viewing messages on the web.   (Please note: all of this information is for held messages. Much more limited information is available about bounced mail, and we do not have content for mail that is bounced.)

Starting today, clicking on subjects in your emailed reports will take you to the preview page, so you can make a more informed decision about whether you want to release it.

We hope you’ll find this a useful addition to the Spam section. As always, if you have any questions or see any problems, please let us know.

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