Relocation of servers to new data centre this weekend (completed)

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Edit: All servers are now up and functioning. If you have any problems, please report them to this forum thread:

Edit: The servers have been relocated, and will be started shortly.

Edit: The relocation has begun. We should have more details in about an hour.

All incoming mail during this time is being queued at our back server in Texas and will be delivered when all the normal services are back up.

Edit: Due to a last minute issue, this has been pushd off half an hour to 4:30pm east coast US time (see here for time in your timezone.)

This Saturday at 4pm east coast US time (see here to see this date and time in your timezone) we will be taking down all services for about 2 hours to move our servers to a new data center.

This move is to a $20m state of the art data centre with redundent generators uninterruptible power supplies, multi-level security system, multiple redundent upstream network providers and 24x7 on-site monitoring.

Updates during the move will be posted to this blog available at

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO