Push sync for contacts/calendars now available on iOS and macOS

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Profile picture for Neil Jenkins

Chief Product Officer

From today, changes you make to your calendar and contacts will be pushed straight to your iPhone, iPad or Mac.

Our web interface and mobile app have had push support for some time, and last July we added support for push in the native iOS Mail app, however until now if you made a change to your contacts or calendar on your PC you could have to wait several minutes(!) for your iPhone to catch up. Well no more! Now you’ll always have the latest phone number for Mr Bigglesworth.


We’ve enabled iOS/macOS push support for all CardDAV/CalDAV accounts, and it will activate automatically; you don’t need to do anything. If you haven’t set up your contacts or calendar yet, we’ve got step-by-step instructions in our help for iOS, macOS Contacts and macOS Calendar. (Please note, some legacy plans do not have CardDAV and/or CalDAV support).

Just so you’re aware, the iOS Settings may not show “Push” as enabled for contacts, however the push still works just fine! We hope this minor bug will be fixed in a future iOS update.

Many thanks again to our friends at Apple for making this possible.

Profile picture for Neil Jenkins

Chief Product Officer