New filter feature for Mailstore customers: filter to Mailbox!

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This article was originally published as part of the Pobox blog. Pobox was acquired by Fastmail in 2015.

I’m excited to announce a new option we’ve just added to Email Filters: Deliver to folders! Mailstore customers can now set up filters that will immediately direct mail to specific folders in their Mailstore account.

To use it, just create a filter, specifying what we should look for in your message. Then, when choosing an action, select “Save The Message In Folder” and specify the name of the folder where it should be delivered.

This should make it easier for you to sort and categorize mail, before it hits your Inbox. For customers who access their Mailstore account from multiple email programs or devices, this means you can get consistent filtering, no matter which email program reads the message first.

Some details about how it works:

If the folder doesn’t exist when the message is received, the folder will be created when the first matching message reaches Mailstore.

If you want to save the message to a sub-folder, like, Friends > Joe, just specify the folder path with dots(.) separating them, like Friends.Joe.

Special characters are not permitted in filterable folder names (even if you’ve already set up folders using those names.) Folder names can be numbers, letters, and dashes. Dots (.) cannot be used as part of the folder name, as that is reserved to indicate sub-folders.

We hope you enjoy this new feature! We’re very excited about it (and about the changes to email filters from earlier in the year that made it possible to add, too.) If you have any questions or comments about using it, please let us know!

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