New Feature: Spam to Report folder

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This article was originally published as part of the Pobox blog. Pobox was acquired by Fastmail in 2015.

Mailstore customers have an easy new tool for reporting spam directly from their email program!

We’ve added a “Spam to Report” folder to all Mailstore accounts. (If you don’t see it, you may need to resynchronize your account, or quit your email program, then reopen it.) To report a message as spam, just drag or save it to that folder. Our spam reporter checks those folders for spam regularly. When it finds a message, it is sent to Cloudmark as a spam report, and deleted from your account.

Cloudmark analyzes the message content, to find elements that may have come from different email addresses or locations, but that have all been reported as spam. All Pobox accounts run the Cloudmark spam filter, unless you’re an old custom user who hasn’t upgraded to Pobox Recommendations. So, submissions to Cloudmark work to improve filters that are automatically applied to your account!

Webmail users have been able to report messages as spam for some time, and we are very pleased to be able to extend this feature to all Mailstore customers, regardless of where they are reading their messages.

In order to take advantage of “Spam to Report”, your Mailstore account must be using IMAP. That’s because only IMAP synchronizes changes you make on your computer with our server. POP3 accounts could put mail in the Spam to Report folder, but we would never see those messages when the reporter ran, because they would only be on your computer. If you need to switch your account to IMAP, you can find instructions in the Help section.

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