New extra quota pricing

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

We’ve recently changed the way users pay for additional mailbox and file storage quota.

Previously, we had a one-time payment scheme for extra storage, where you only had to make a single payment, but the prices were very high:

  • $3.95 – 10M
  • $6.95 - 20M
  • $12.95 - 50M
  • $24.95 - 100M
  • $44.95 - 200M
  • $64.95 - 300M
  • $84.95 - 400M
  • $99.95 - 500M
  • $149.95 - 1000M
  • $199.95 - 2000M

Under the new scheme you pay an annual fee, which is added on to your subscription. The fee is charged on a pro-rata basis to the end of your current subscription when you increase your storage. The amount of extra storage you get depends upon your service level.

  • AdFree: $4.95 = 100M for 1 year
  • Full: $4.95 = 500M for 1 year
  • Enhanced: $4.95 = 1000M for 1 year

Like subscriptions, you also get an appropriate pro-rata refund towards your new service level if you upgrade.

Anyone who has already purchased extra storage under the old scheme may keep it indefinitely. If you want to buy more extra storage now though, you will have to switch to the new scheme. In the process, you will receive a full refund for any old extra storage you purchased (so it’s like you’ll have had it for free for the entire time!), and you will then be required to pay the new annual quota rates on all your extra storage.

Note 1: Currently this is only available for Personal accounts. We’re looking at extra quota options for Family/Business in the future.

Note 2: This new scheme doesn’t apply to legacy Member accounts. Unfortunately legacy Member accounts can no longer purchase extra storage. For Member accounts, we recommend you consider upgrading to Ad Free. You’ll get a full refund of your $14.95 Member account towards your Ad-Free account (so it’s like your Member account was free for all the time you used it), so you’ll be able to immediately get 3 years of Ad Free level service which includes 100M of storage, much more than the 16M of Member.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO