Meet Our Team: Vysakh, Support Agent

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Meet Vysakh, a Fastmail support agent based in India, who writes detailed help pages and solves customer problems.

Fastmail’s support team advocates for customers across all time zones. Find out what their day-to-day job looks like when you meet Vysakh, a member of Fastmail’s support team.

Name: Vysakh Prakash Role: Support Agent

What do you work on? I help customers when they are lost and check user reports to find out if there is a larger issue. I also write help pages.

How long have you been working at Fastmail? How did you get involved? I’ve been with Fastmail since July 2017. After college, I learned about Fastmail from Kurian Aerthail, who’s also from my locality and has been working here for 20+ years! It was an encouraging sign to know someone who had worked in the company for 20+ years. So, I applied for the opening and haven’t looked back!

What’s a project that you’ve worked on that you’re proud of? Since my early days at Fastmail, I’ve seen customers struggling with setting up their email on various mail clients. My work on help pages, especially the android mail client ones (they can be challenging to write), is my favorite project I’ve worked on this past year.

Who is someone that inspires you? José Mourinho is one person who has always inspired me. His journey from being a translator to one of the greatest football coaches in the world is just unreal!

What’s your favorite Fastmail feature? Our interface is what I like the most! Fast, easy, and brings joy when using it.

What’s your favorite piece of technology? My favorite piece of tech is the Samsung Galaxy S8. I believe it is the most beautiful phone ever made. It’s also the first piece of tech I bought myself, which makes it even more glamourous.

What music are you listening to these days? I’ve been listening to the Malayalam rapper VEDAN. His words are 🔥

What do you like to do outside of work? I love anything involving wheels on the road. Driving cars, riding motorcycles, and the latest being cycling!

What’s your favorite animal? Cats! My wife has a cat, so I’ll get in trouble if I don’t say cat.

Any Fastmail staffers you want to brag on? All of them! They are all so supportive and caring.

What are you proudest of about your work? In simple words, I enjoy being able to help users and see how happy they are with my help, even if it’s a simple issue!

More often than not, I’ve felt that people have low expectations when contacting support. Personally, when I contact support at other companies, my expectations are pretty low. I’ll be surprised if I get my problem solved without explaining the issue many times.

So, in my work, I genuinely try to understand what customers are going through and offer the best solution without dragging the issue on. Seeing them surprised with the quality of support I provide is when I’m most proud.

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Profile picture for Helen Horstmann-Allen
