Don't lose your mail: not with Fastmail

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Profile picture for Nicola Nye


Looking for the start of this adventure?

We know how vital email is to the every day running of our lives. We know the sick feeling you get when you lose even one important mail.

We want to make it hard for you to accidentally lose mail, and easy for you to recover in the unfortunate event a disaster occurs.

  • Our web interface will ask you to confirm if you’re trying to delete lots of
    email at once.
  • Our web interface will undelete if you use the undo link or keyboard
  • We can’t stop other mail clients from affecting your mailboxes (But would
    you like to know how to archive instead of delete
    mail on Apple devices, or how to control how often Apple cleans your trash folder?).
  • We back up your data
    daily, and let you restore when you need to, so you can recover from
    whenever you need to.
  • Our app passwords give you information
    in your connection logs on what
    device has access to your account to help diagnose any issues.
  • Using two-step verification
    keep malicious attackers at bay.
  • Our support team can help you work out what went wrong so you don’t ever have
    to go through this again.

Fastmail. We’ve got your back.

Profile picture for Nicola Nye
