Increased spam getting through for the last few days

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Due to an undetected compatibility issue between some software modules we use for detecting spam emails, for the last few days a number of the tests we use to detect spam haven’t been working properly. This means that for the last few days, considerably more spam may have been getting through our filters and into users Inboxes.

We’ve now fixed this issue and have added additional tests to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

For those interested in the technical details: We upgraded to a newer version of Net::DNS and the version of SpamAssassin we use was using some internals from Net::DNS that had changed with the new version. This caused all RBL lookups to fail. Failing RBL lookups wouldn’t cause any email delivery to fail, just all RBL scoring to be ignored.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO