Help beta test new web interface

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

For the past year, we’ve been working on a large overhaul of our web interface. With the help of a great designer, and feedback from our users, we’re now ready to release the interface for general beta testing by all users.

The beta site is available here - - you can login using your regular account username and password.

  • Overall features
    • Professional look with cleaner layout, reduced clutter and
      simple icons to make common actions clearer
    • More consistent layout between screens (eg. navigation bar
      always available, common sidebar)
    • Javascript used to improve user experience, but still works fine
    • More semantic HTML makes future stylesheet (look and feel)
      customisation easier
    • Significantly improved mobile display on modern mobile devices
      (eg. iPhone, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile)
  • Mailbox screen
    • Much better keyboard support - navigate using keys
      j/k/x/o/Enter, action menu via . (fullstop), search email via /
      (slash), search folders via , (comma)
    • Better auto-sizing to screen size to display more of the message
    • Cross folder searching available
    • Advanced search syntax available (eg. from:john subject:dinner
      since:“1 week ago”)
  • Message read
    • Much better keyboard support (like mailbox screen)
    • Attached messages shown inline
    • Attached images shown as thumbnails
    • Better integration with file storage to save attachments
  • Compose
    • Address book auto-complete and address tokenisation
    • Improved HTML editor
    • Auto-saving of drafts
    • Background upload of attached files
    • Improved spell check
    • Separate reply/forward quoting options
    • Default font face/size for HTML email

For more details, please see our new interface wiki page. To report bugs/issues, please see our new interface bugs page. We encourage all users to give the new interface a go and report any issues on the bug wiki page.

We plan to eventually roll out the new interface to so all standard logins use the new interface.
Depending on feedback, that should occur in the next month or two. We plan to run the old interface for 3-6 months after the changeover, but will eventually decommission the old interface.

If you have any particular comments you want to make about the new interface, please email me directly at

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO