Handle your email faster with our updated Android app

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Profile picture for Rob N ★


We’ve just released an update to our Android update that has some great new features to help you fly through your email.

First up, we’ve replaced the old “inbox” notification for multiple new messages with a new notification “stack”. Previously if you had multiple new messages, the notification would show a list of senders and subjects, but you couldn’t take any useful action except open the full app. Now the app will show a notification for the latest message, complete with avatar, subject and body preview and you can use the full set of actions on it. Once an action is taken, a new notification appears for the next unread message and so on for the entire stack. In this way you can quickly triage your new mail without leaving your notification tray. Of course, you can still tap on any notification to open it in the app or swipe to remove the entire stack.

Being able to quickly delete, archive or pin a message is great, but sometimes an email will arrive that you can actually deal with with a simple short reply. Notifications now have a “reply” action that will let you write a quick one-line reply without opening the full app. Even better, if you have an Android Wear smartwatch (or a compatible device, such as a Pebble), you can reply directly using the speech recognition feature.

This release also includes a few critical performance improvements, including a fix for the long-standing restart delay.

The updated Android app is now rolling out via Google Play and the Amazon Appstore and should be available on your device within the next day or two.

We’ve had a great time building and testing this update and would love to hear what you think! Please let us know via support or Twitter.

Profile picture for Rob N ★
