“From:” turned into “Wrom:” corruption?

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Have you ever seen someone’s reply to an email, and instead of seeing something like:

From: Your Friend <theiremail @ emailprovider.com>

It looks like:


Well, if you have, and you were totally stumped about what was causing it, I’ve finally found out. I did some searching and found this mention as well. I emailed that guy, and he got back to me with what he found:

Its unrelated to your application. Its the client.

The client has installed an antivirus program (I think it was norton)
and turned on “privacy” option. That option causes the program to
scramble any email address it sees before allowing it over the

Whoever this is happening to - ask them to look into their computer
and check the configuration of their “privacy” software.

So sounds like a anti-virus program issue!

More discussion in this forum thread.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO