File storage quotas re-calculated

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Profile picture for Bron Gondwana


How this affects you:

Some users will notice their file storage used and/or total quota has changed.

A couple of hundred people have more data in their file storage than space available to store it. If you are one of these you will have to delete files to get below the quota limit before you can upload any new files (directories don’t use quota, so you can still create new directories and move files around).

What happened:

There were a couple of issues with File Storage quotas - one was that if you downgraded your account but had over the reduced quota amount, it failed to change your quota. The second was that if you ran the ‘fix account’ script for any reason, it would calculate the total including everything you had deleted over the past week (the backups) as well as the current messages. Obviously not ideal!

I’ve fixed the usage calculation to exclude deleted files, and run the fixup script - just for the file storage quota and usage parts - over every active user in our database (yes, it took a while!) - so your quotas should now be correct.

Apologies for the strange numbers a few of you have been seeing!


Profile picture for Bron Gondwana