FastMail on the road

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Profile picture for Rob N ★


Next week three members of the FastMail team – Bron, Neil and myself (Rob N) – will be heading to the US to spread the good word about FastMail.

The primary reason for the trip is to attend OSCON in Portland. OSCON is one of the biggest open source conferences in the world and attracts over 4,000 of the word’s leading IT professionals including developers, programmers and designers.

We’ll be speaking at OSCON with some other mail technologists (including Netmail, OpenIO and Project Cyrus) for Open Messaging Day on Tuesday 21 July. We’ll be talking about JMAP, our new mail protocol that could one day power the next killer email client and also look at why Cyrus is shaping up to be a powerhouse of open messaging. If you’re interested in learning about and helping to shape the future of email we’d love to see you there.

Before OSCON begins we’ll be spending a week in the San Francisco Bay Area, meeting with some of the local tech companies and software community. We’ve already set up a few meetings but we’re keen to talk to as many people as we can about what we’re doing and find out about what others need and want from their email. We’ll be around from Tuesday 14 to Saturday 18 July, so let us know if you want to have a chat with us while we’re in town.

Of course, we love to eat and drink as well, so you’ll find us at Bar Basic in San Francisco from 6pm on Wednesday 15 July. If you’re in the area, come down and have a drink and a chat with us. We’d love to meet everyone, including our users, so don’t be shy! We’ll buy the first round!

If you want to get in touch with us while we’re travelling, email or tweet
to @FMOnTheRoad on Twitter. I’ll be posting photos and other bits and pieces there while we’re travelling around, so feel free to follow along (especially if you’re planning to come down and have a drink with us; then I can tell you exactly where we are).

Profile picture for Rob N ★
