FastMail.FM has been acquired by Opera Software

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Some exciting changes will be occurring with FastMail.FM. FastMail.FM has been acquired by Opera Software, the developers of the Opera web browser. For more information about Opera, please visit

This is great news for FastMail.FM users. FastMail.FM will continue to run and grow as the reliable email service you’ve known for over 10 years. We’ll be combining forces with Opera’s technical teams, expertise and products to develop new and innovative products.

Below we’ve put together an FAQ of some questions we thought customers might have.

The FastMail Team

Opera purchase of FastMail FAQ

If you’ve found this page, it’s probably because you didn’t understand everything in the email our lawyers made us send out :)

What do I have to do?

In the email we sent you, there was a link to a web page. Click the link to go to that page, and on that page, click the “I Accept” button. Alternatively, do nothing, and just continue to use your account as you normally do. Both of these actions indicate that you accept that Opera take over the operation of your account and personal data.

There are no configuration changes or any other changes you need to make. Opera will take over the running of FastMail.FM including all existing accounts, so things will just run as they do now with the same billing cycle, pricing, features, reliability, security, etc. Relax, everything is going to continue just fine.

What if I don’t click the “I Accept” button?

If you continue to use your account, we will treat this in the same way as if you had clicked the “I Accept” button.

What if I don’t want Opera to take over my account?

Go to, login to your account, then go to the Options -> Cancel Account screen and enter your password to confirm you want to cancel your account.

What is this “personal data” that Opera are taking over?

Your mailbox and your account registration details, which they will treat under the same terms of service and privacy policy as we have been doing. Our terms of service and our privacy policy.

What’s this mean for the future?

This is great news for FastMail.FM users. FastMail.FM will continue to run and grow as the reliable email service you’ve known for over 10 years. Opera have clear plans for the future, and can help provide significantly more resources to build a bigger and better infrastructure and more features.

Why are FastMail selling?

In an increasingly competitive market, we believe we need to make some big investments to take the next steps forward. Joining together Opera’s expertise in web browsers and especially the mobile market, and FastMail.FM’s expertise in email, will allow us to grow and take on the next big challenges in running and building an email service.

Opera have a huge browser customer base (over 100 million users), and a thriving community of users at, which will help us grow FastMail in size and reach.

The FastMail.FM staff are also excited about this change. We’ve already been working with Opera’s technical teams to exchange expertise, and to develop new and innovative products. Some FastMail.FM staff are already gearing up to move to Norway (Hei!), and vice-versa. Also one of our great long-term part time developers (Neil Jenkins), who helped develop the photo gallery feature, and the new webmail interface (all the HTML, CSS and JS), is going to work for Opera full-time as well, so he’ll be available to work with the email team to build an even better interface!

With Opera’s expertise, and the combined technical talent of our staff, we believe we’ll be able to create a significantly better FastMail for customers in the future.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO