Faster than native, introducing FastMail's new mobile web interface

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

For the last few months we’ve been beta testing a new mobile user interface. We feel it’s now ready for general use and have just rolled it out to production.

To access the new interface, just go to in a web browser on your phone/mobile device and log in to your FastMail account. If your phone supports it (iOS 6+, Android 4+, Windows Phone coming soon), you’ll automatically get the new interface.

This new interface is built on the same underlying technology as our current desktop interface, and thus includes all the advanced features of that interface including instant actions, conversations and fast cross-folder searching.

We’ve also worked hard to make the new interface feel perfectly natural as a finger driven mobile interface. We’ve placed tap targets near where fingers are likely to be and added swipe actions to allow quick archiving or deleting of emails. Simple transitions make it clear where you are in the interface at any time making it easy to navigate.

But most importantly, the new mobile interface is fast! We’ve gone to great lengths to reduce the number of round trip requests between your phone and our servers, making the interface load and feel fast even over the high latency connections of mobile networks. In many cases, it is faster than a dedicated email app.

We’re pushing the limits of what’s currently possible with a web based application and think the results speak for themselves. Below we’ve created a short video showing a few key features. Take a look, then try it out by logging in or signing up at

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO