Easier user management, new homepage, new pricing plans

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Profile picture for Neil Jenkins

Chief Product Officer

Today we’re announcing three new changes, making it easier than ever for customers to learn about FastMail, find the right plan for them and manage their account.

Easier user management

If you have a multi-user FastMail account, managing users and billing is now much quicker and easier. We’ve designed three new settings screens that replace the old user management system; all admin users can find these screens in their normal settings.

The new admin screens are also available in our app and for those accessing FastMail on a mobile device.

A new homepage

Back in December last year, we did a little walk down memory lane to see how FastMail’s homepage has changed over the years. Today it’s time for the next generation. If you head over to fastmail.com – or you’re already here – you’ll notice we’ve given our site a fresh coat of paint.

The new site is also more responsive than ever before, and looks just as great on a mobile device as on a huge desktop monitor.

Updated plans and pricing

Today we’re also launching new plans and pricing. We’ve simplified our plans to make it easier for customers to choose the right FastMail plan for their needs.

For existing users on our previous plans there’s no change. Your current plan is unchanged and continues to offer the same features, for the same price as before. You can upgrade to one of our new plans at any time if you choose. For existing family/business users, please note there’s no “master user” in the new plans, so you may need to move some data first.

Profile picture for Neil Jenkins

Chief Product Officer