Development priorities update

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Profile picture for Jeremy Howard

We are often asked “What’s next?” Here’s our current short-term priorities with regards to web interface features (this does not include non-web interface features, or bug fixing, or business development priorities):

  • Improve address book (add searching, more fields, better interface)
  • Improve integration of address book with Compose screen (using Quick
  • Enhance Address Book uploads to bring in more fields
  • Add simple HTML composition to Compose screen
  • Improve Account Preferences screen: improve layout and documentation
    of this screen, which currently too many people are misunderstanding
  • Simple file storage functionality: new screen for
    uploading/downloading files, and ability to attach/detach files in
    emails from/to this area
  • Improve spam protection interface: simple 1-step setup for new
    users, without reducing flexibility for power users
  • Simple email reminder interface
Profile picture for Jeremy Howard