Custom login screens for family/business accounts

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

We’ve released a new feature that allows family and business accounts to easily customise the login screen for their users. Just login to your family/business and go to Manage –> Customise Login.

To make customisation quick and easy, you only need to specify 3 things:

  1. An overall theme for the page (4 to choose from)
  2. Some text to appear on the login screen (defaults to “Your
    Business/Family Name
    webmail login”)
  3. A logo you want to appear on the page. You can upload any JPG/PNG
    you have, it will automatically be resized to fit the login screen

By default, the custom login screen will then appear at

If you host DNS for your domain with us, this will just work automatically. If you use an external DNS provider, you’ll need to create a CNAME record for that points to (Correction: This was previously, which was incorrect)

An example page is viewable at

For resellers, any sub-business will automatically get your business customised login screen by default, though you can also explicitly customise the login screen for each sub-business if you want.

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO