Business and family accounts on beta server

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

After several months of testing, improvements and feedback from customers, we’re just ready to release our family and business account product and will be rolling out the new signup and login screen in a week or two. We have well over 100 businesses and families, and 1000’s of accounts using these the features already and the feedback so far has been excellent.

A quick summary of what these different accounts provide:

  • New service levels optimised for family and business usage
  • Add, delete, change and manage multiple accounts from one control
    panel area
  • Centralised and synchronised billing for all accounts on a 3, 6 or
    12 month cycle
  • Create accounts in your own domain
  • Share email or files folders between users in a family/business
  • Each users address book also sees the global shared address book for
    the family/business

After creating a family/business, existing individual accounts can be imported into it with no interruption of service. The family/business gets a pro-rata refund of any remaining subscription, so no money is lost during the import process.

If you want to have a look, read more details, or signup and try it out, just have a look at our beta server.

There’s still some documentation to be written, which will be coming soon, but much of the usage should be straight forward.

If you have any questions or comments, please email me directly at

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO