Announcing CalDAV Scheduling support for clients

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Profile picture for Bron Gondwana


Since we released our calendar service last year, one of the most requested features has been support for scheduling in CalDAV clients.  This feature allows users to send invitations and RSVPs directly from a CalDAV client while creating or updating calendar events.

We are pleased to announce that scheduling support is now enabled for all CalDAV users at FastMail.

This new feature allows your calendar client to:

  • create a new event with attendees from your computer or mobile
    device - invitation emails are automatically sent to all attendees
  • update your participation status to an event in your calendar - an
    RSVP email is automatically sent
  • change date/time of an event where you are the organizer - updated
    invitation emails are automatically sent to all attendees
  • delete an event from your calendar (or an entire calendar containing
    events) - appropriate emails (a cancellation if you are the
    organizer, or a “not attending” RSVP if you are an attendee) are
    automatically sent

There is no setup required. If your client supports adding attendees or updating RSVP status (pretty much every CalDAV client, including all Apple products), then our server will do the rest.

We have setup instructions for some of the more popular clients in our documentation.

And we’re not done with calendar yet!  Next on the roadmap is support for automatically updating your calendar by processing incoming email invitations and RSVPs from trusted senders.

Profile picture for Bron Gondwana