A Valentine from Pobox Customer Service

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This article was originally published as part of the Pobox blog. Pobox was acquired by Fastmail in 2015.

After last week’s post about spreading love with email, Pobox’s own Kate Marstin was inspired by someone she really loves – you!

Pobox cookies

Dear Poboxers,

Valentine’s Day seems like the best time to tell you all what I’ve been thinking.  I’ve been keeping my true feelings to myself.  I think that I might love you, customers.

When I first got this job many years ago, you intimidated me.  Being part of the public face of Pobox was nerve wracking.  I was never sure where I stood with you.

I still remember the first day I thought I could do this long-term.  I had been down all day after a rather mean message came in from a customer, after I had worked very hard on her problem.  I remember thinking, “perhaps, I’m not cut out to do this job.”  Then, she wrote back to tell me that one of my solutions had worked after all!  She also apologized for her other message and thanked me. A couple of days later, a card arrived at the office – via postal mail. She had written again to thank me.  I saved that card as a reminder to myself to never give up on your problems.

When I was working every day, I felt a thrill when I’d help you with an issue that was difficult to track down and resolve. I’d notice happily when you sent a thank you email and tell my family about it later.

If I got one of your ideas implemented, I’d be glad that I had made you happy. If our technical staff turned down an idea, I’d try to go to bat for you. If they still said no, I’d be upset and sympathize. My coworkers and boss were my friends, but you were my priority. You were the ones who made it possible for me to get up every day, happy to go to work.

Even though we don’t get to spend as much time together now that I’m only handling tickets on the weekend, I wanted to let you know how important you are to me. Thank you for making me happy to talk to you every day for so long. You all deserve my best support just for being customers. I made the cookies, though, because your kindness keeps you in my heart always.

Pobox cookies

Love and cheers,
Kate Marstin
Pobox Customer Service

Kate, those cookies are incredible – and she made enough for us to share with you! Have a valentine for Pobox Customer Service that you’d like to share? Put it in the comments. We’ll pick a random customer to get a package of Kate’s homemade treats. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Profile picture for Pobox Staff